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Corona and its consequences for motorcycle training

Covid-19 is endangering people's health and lives, and puts entire branches of business in the cold for months. “Rien ne vas plus” is not only valid in these times in roulette.
Driving safety training, photo Jürgen Lerbs
While basic food suppliers are causing the prices for toilet paper and disinfectants to skyrocket, many small self-employed are facing the end. This also applies to the motorcycle trade and everyone who deals with the driving safety of these vehicles. The Institute for Two-Wheeler Safety maintains under
On the homepage a page about all training units offered in Germany, sortable by postcode. There is clearly emblazoned in red letters:

"Covid-19:Due to the corona crisis, there are currently no training courses. Training bookings are still possible in many cases - for training courses at a later date.
Please contact the organizer of the training you want to receive the latest information in individual cases. "

This is just a small consolation for all those who have not earned anything for months. Who can reliably see into the future?
Theory and practice on the ring, photo Jürgen Lerbs

The driving safety training
lies fallow

Jürgen Lerbs, DVR certified motorcycle safety trainer, photo Jürgen Lerbs

The driver safety training is idle

Jürgen Lerbs is one of those affected. He is a member of the Federal Association of Motorcyclists and a DRV-certified motorcycle safety trainer. In this capacity, with the BVDM as the implementer, he offers trainings through his company "Mot-Coach" in the greater Hamburg area. Jürgen is supported by other DVR-certified trainers depending on the number of visitors and needs. The editorial staff of the ball horn spoke to him and asked him about the effects of the corona crisis on his company.
On hold, photo Jürgen Lerbs

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Editorial staff:
Jürgen, you run professional training courses for motorcyclists. Is this right?

“I have to say that I don't just do that. Like many other DVR trainers, I have a second mainstay. I also work in the commercial area. There are times when motorcycle training is not possible. It is important to have other sources of income.
I also work for the ADAC driving safety center in Lüneburg. In addition to the DVR training, I also have to take further training, as the ADAC safety training goes beyond what the DVR covers in terms of training. The DVR recognizes the ADAC training, but the reverse is not quite the case. This is because the ADAC's module training is not covered by the DVR training and therefore additional training is required. "

Editorial staff:
How do you deal with the current corona situation?

“I'm experiencing a complete break-in. Since the middle of March until now, the driver safety training has been idle. We are also not allowed to train at the ADAC in Lüneburg. This applies until further notice. There is still no date when we can do something again. "

Editorial staff:
What was the scope of your schooling?

“During normal operations, I always have several individual training sessions a week.

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In addition, there are regular training units on the weekends on Saturdays and Sundays. Here, too, I offer individual training, group training, training for beginners and those returning to the sport, curve training and enduro training. During the curve training, we are in constant contact with the operators of the routes. They are also currently not allowed to open their premises for the training units.
We offer all basic units according to the DVR guidelines, plus two-day training courses "on tour". So it's the whole program that we normally cover. "

Editorial staff:
How many employees do you have?

“Depending on the training, I am supported by three to four DVR certified trainers. Sometimes there are more. That depends on my needs. For curve training, for example, I need up to six trainers depending on the number of registrations. We work with 30-40 participants.
Two trainers are required by the DVR for "Trainings on Tour". I do a lot of other trainings on my own. "

Editorial staff:
So all of these employees are affected by the closure? Is there also no individual training while observing the distance and hygiene rules?

“No, everything is canceled. The problem does not lie in compliance with hygiene rules.

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The authorities have banned the driving schools from operating. This also applies to motorcycle training. We'd be in a gray area if we were to advertise that. I also run the risk of being warned because I am offering something that others are not allowed to do. So nothing works. Not even for me.
I got a message from the ADAC that we want to slowly open from today (April 20th, 2020, Red.). You should work in small groups. But the community has forbidden that. The ADAC website now says “closed until further notice”.
At the moment I haven't had any income from the driver safety area since mid-March.
It is even worse for others who have no additional income. I have a couple of fellow coaches who do this full-time. It looks completely bleak for them. You have no income at all. You also work for other implementers or organizations and, among other things, do car introductions. That is all completely deleted. You have zero earnings. "

Editorial staff:
How do your coaching colleagues deal with that? Is there any support?

“That varies depending on the federal state. One received the one-off support, which has also been reported in the media, relatively quickly, the other, who is from Hamburg, has not yet received anything.

The problem is also that the entitlement only exists if you have no other income. Other income is counted against it.

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I too, who do not have to live mainly from the driving safety training, have a problem. We have invested. I also offer courses for people who have no equipment, i.e. no motorcycle or station wagon. I make everything available. The material is now fallow. There are vehicles here that have not yet been moved. Of course, they cause running costs.
So we don't have any income here. I couldn't even rent a trailer. I know from a motorcycle dealer with whom I work well that the workshop continues to run normally, but that sales have suffered a 95% drop. That's a catastrophe. The camps are full of motorbikes. Nothing happens there. "

Editorial staff:
Did you also offer team training?

“No, not me myself. I offer this through Uwe Philipp from BVDM. We suspended training once this year. It always just covers the costs. The demand in the north is not that great. "

Editorial staff:
Is there light on the horizon?

“Yes, the positive thing I can say is: We already have a lot of bookings. All participants who have already paid are relatively relaxed.
We offered repayments, but nobody wants it. That's very positive about this story.
Today I still got bookings for a curve training.

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They are regular customers. You have already booked for June. That sounds good. But you can't compensate for anything. The months from mid-March until now are a total loss.
You also have to consider that appointments have already been missed. The organizers who rent the rings have running costs, so I have to reckon with the payment of cancellation fees if I cancel. But I hope that I can postpone the canceled dates later in the year. Such a ring costs several thousand euros, for which I have to pay in advance. "

Editorial staff:
What costs do you have if you plan to do corner training?

“I have to rent the ring. It costs around 2000 euros. Added to this are the costs for the coaching staff and catering as well as the helpers who are required. A training day costs a total of around 4000 euros. That must be absorbed by the courses.
The number of participants is variable depending on the organizer. They are between 30 and 60 people. It must be remembered that with a large number of participants, the individual has less time for active training.

With large groups of up to 12 people, the question is whether the participants are still learning a lot, whether they are still getting great feedback. That is the other side of large numbers of participants.
As a DVR trainer, I assume a group size of 8 people per instructor in normal safety training.
If the number of participants rises above that, I add a second trainer.

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As I said, I have several DVR trainers up my sleeve, which of course also have to be paid for.
You can't make a lot of money with the moderation work. If you are looking for gold mines, you have to do something different.
A curve training course costs between 149 and 169 euros a day for me. The catering is already included. So it is an all-round supply for the training day that you book with it. The running costs must be calculated against it. "

Editorial staff:
Jürgen, thank you very much for the informative interview. When booking a training course, very few people should worry about what is behind such an offer. I include myself in that. I can only hope that it will start again soon for you and that you will be able to carry out training courses. For North Rhine-Westphalia I found out today (April 21, 2020) that driving schools are allowed to reopen. This also has an impact on driver safety training. Hamburg will probably not wait much longer.

If you want to book a training with Jürgen Lerbs, you can go to the website inform.

A contact form has been activated. Registrations are already being accepted.
Curve training, photo Jürgen Lerbs
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