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Georg Fuhrmann as a pilot in the air rescue helicopter

A man goes up in the air ...

The résumé of the native of Rhineland initially reads like the profile of an adventurer, always looking for a challenge, an increase in personal stress and the search for limits:

Helicopter pilot as a childhood dream come true, first with the Bundeswehr, then since 2012 with DRF Luftrettung, based in Regensburg. Life as a helicopter pilot, he says, offers more variety and is more challenging than flying a hydrofoil.

You take it from him immediately. As a pilot, he has experienced a lot, exciting things in training with the US Army, missions abroad, low-level flights, but also tragic things in his capacity as an air rescuer when rescuing casualties.

A friendly, down-to-earth, young man greets me ...

But is Georg Fuhrmann an adventurer?

When I arrive at his home an hour early, a friendly, polite and down-to-earth young man greets me, who first has to take out the Greek hound that his girlfriend from Greece rescued from the shelter from loneliness and brought home. That makes him likeable right away.

No, he's not a classic adventurer. He has too much respect for the limits of a challenge. He would like to be able to control what he is doing, to approach what he is doing moderately. He is also not the type who breaks everything off behind him in order to experience something. After an adventure, he would like to be able to return to the secure, home port.

Georg Fuhrmann is authentic, unspectacular and honest. Thankfully, he lacks that “maddening gene” that is not uncommon for pure adventurers and that sometimes allows them to cross borders. For a pilot, that would be dangerous in the least.

Georg Fuhrmann in an interview
Georg Fuhrmann as a mobile paramedic with a motorcycle

Georg Fuhrmann wants more than just fly ...

Georg Fuhrmann wants more than just to fly, he is also a paramedic out of conviction. An education that shapes his private life.Working in the service of people is more than just a “hobby”. It is an inner calling that Georg Fuhrmann combines with his pronounced passion for motorcycling:

Volunteer work in disaster control, motorcyclist and since 2013 at BRK Regensburg as a paramedic with an R 1200 RT.

With so much commitment, of course, the question arises as to the time left to do all of this. Georg Fuhrmann works in shifts. Six days a week he is fully available as an air rescue pilot. Then he has six days off and can devote himself to hobbies that are closely related to his job and motorcycling

You drive more carefully, maybe think more often ...

I inevitably ask myself whether the experiences one has as an air rescuer and paramedic do not sometimes raise concerns about motorcycling.

Georg Fuhrmann: “Every now and then I think about the risk involved in biking, but it hasn't stopped me. You drive more carefully, perhaps thinking more often about certain situations, maneuvers and regular training. "
Georg Fuhrmann, out and about on a BRK motorcycle
Georg Fuhrmann off-road training with an R 100 GS, photo Bastian Brüsecke

On the way to the GS Trophy in qualifying with a BMW 1200 GS rally ...

Georg Fuhrmann is a passionate motorcycle driver. And here, too, he is looking for controlled borderline experiences.In 2004 he gained his first off-road experience on a BMW R 1150 GS Adventure that he could not let go of. Since 2014 he has been on the road as a trophy bike on a BMW 1200 GS rally - and who is surprised - among other things as a participant in the qualification for the German GS Trophy. Georg Fuhrmann: "Unfortunately, as 25th overall, it wasn't enough for the final and Team Germany."

Offroad and onroad

But to be on and off-road on roads and paths whose names make the motorcyclist's heart beat faster - or a sweat of fear forms on the forehead - that's what he would like. And he does that too:

Georg Fuhrmann took the Ligurian Grenzkammstraße under the wheels of his GS and visited the highest motorcycle meeting in Europe on the Stella Alpina. Stella Alpina, that stands for a motorcycle meeting without advertising and program, it just takes place. And so is Georg Fuhrmann. He acts naturally, without cult, always out of conviction.
Offroad with a R 1200 GS, image rights Georg Fuhrmann
On the way with a helmet camera, picture Bastian Brüsecke

Your own homepage as a platform for long-distance travelers

Anyone interested in Georg Fuhrmann can find him on his homepage at beautifully sketched:
From appointments to travel reports to tours, you will find everything there that makes the heart of the motorcycle traveler beat faster.As an off-road driver, who doesn't dream of driving to Finland, the land of gravel roads and a thousand lakes, like Georg Fuhrmann, or visiting Russia?Another highlight is his motorcycle trip through New Zealand, albeit mostly on the road.
The special thing about Georg's homepage is that every motorcyclist can post their travel reports there and is asked to do so.

Admiration for those who visit the elephant meeting in winter ...

Of course, I also ask him whether he has ever attended the elephant meeting of the BVDM (Federal Association for Motorcyclists).

No, he says, he has never been there before. But he has heard a lot about it and would like to see it. He admires the people who ride their motorbikes past his hometown to Thurmansbang-Solla in adverse temperatures, snow and black ice.
Elephant meeting in Thurmansbang Solla on the Loh, picture BVDM

BVDM ... an association for the benefit of motorcyclists ...

Georg Fuhrmann is not a club manager. He is interested in the goals of an association that must convince him. That is why he decided to join the BVDM in 2002.

Georg Fuhrmann: "... an association with impact and interest in political influence for the benefit of motorcyclists, a lobby for bikers instead of motorists ..."

Not an official

He would also like to do something for the BVDM, but within the framework of his experience and his calling. He does not strive for a position as a pure functionary. That wouldn't suit him either. Georg Fuhrmann has tasks that can be perfectly combined with work for the BVDM and its overarching focus:

“As a motorcyclist and paramedic, I can easily combine my interests, complement one another and promote one another. I also enjoy teaching. I've been doing this for 10 years.

Offroad Medical Training

That's why I'm also pursuing a concept with emergency training for bikers, Offroad Medical Training, which is of course also suitable for road riders. For several years I have also been active as a co-instructor at a local driving school several times a year as part of driver safety training ... "

This is a good starting point for an activity that also benefits the BVDM.

Tactical emergency medicine not only for the desert ...

Georg Fuhrmann works with the "tactical emergency medicine Metzner" from Regensburg. The company offers him the opportunity to offer emergency training especially for motorcyclists who move away from paved roads and far from civilization.

It goes without saying that such training is also very well suited for training “normal” motorcyclists. Even in otherwise civilized areas, you cannot always be sure that you will be able to get help immediately in the event of a fall. After all, the cell phone network in northern Norway is more extensive than in Germany. And there are godforsaken areas not only in Mongolia and Tunisia.

Georg Fuhrmann, picture Tobias Loew

Practice for an emergency

“I don't just teach classically like in a classroom. That scares many off. The participants get very high quality equipment from the rescue service and have to train with it. They practice cutting open a suit that has actually been put on with clothing scissors or treating a break with a special bandage by way of first aid. The practical relevance distinguishes us from a standard “first aid” training.
With the program, we can go wherever we are given the appropriate space. We are not geographically limited. On December 8th this year, for example, we're in Berlin. "

A full day training

The training costs 89 euros per person. For the price you get a full day training that actually enables you to carry out first aid that goes beyond mere "first aid".

This offer also applies to the BVDM. Affiliated clubs are welcome to contact Georg Fuhrmann and discuss all the details. It goes without saying that when traveling beyond the Regensburg area, the instructor's travel expenses must also be passed on to the participants.
Georg Fuhrmann, image rights Georg Fuhrmann

What does a person like Georg Fuhrmann wish for in the future?

He says of himself, “I am a believer. Faith simply has an influence on my life, my attitude, my feelings, and thus it has certainly also contributed to voluntary work. ”He modestly answers the question about his life goals with the motorcycle:“ ... always ride a motorcycle healthy into old age to be able and allowed to ... "

Contact details Georg Fuhrmann:

fahrmann@taktische- (for the medical course)

49- (0) 151-52437773

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